Landowner’s Divorce

Each and every divorce is different and unique, so it should not surprise you to learn that land ownership can make divorce even more complicated. With the division of property, land taxes and finances and a whole host of other issues accompanying your divorce, you need a qualified divorce attorney by your side to help you make the important decisions. Our team at CashattWarren has the experience and expertise to handle these unique situations for landowners or their spouses.

One of the first issues that must be settled is whether the land is considered part of the marital assets. Many times, landowners inherit large tracts of land that have been in the family for generations before the marriage, or it may be considered an inheritance by the spouse. Another item that can present challenges to your divorce is how the land is used. Often, both spouses have taken part in the use and enjoyment of the land during the marriage. All these considerations, and more, are necessary to consider when determining whether the land will be considered a marital asset subject to division.

If the land is determined to be part of the marital assets, dividing the land between you and your ex can be difficult. While it is possible to break large tracts into smaller parcels and divide them, all too often land is required to be sold and the profits split between the parties. Neither spouse usually wants to see this happen, which is why our team can help you negotiate an agreement that is in the best interest of both parties.

With our experience and legal knowledge, our team will also work together with the necessary experts to conduct a land valuation for purposes of a fair and equitable division. Real estate and financial experts who are familiar with the local area can assist with this valuation. After a proper valuation, we can begin exploring ways to reach an agreement that both spouses can live with while also protecting the land.

A landowner’s divorce can be a challenging and emotional time, but the team at CashattWarren is here to help. We have assisted many landowners and their spouses in resolving these complicated issues and protecting their assets. Contact us today at 515.421.9290 so we can help you begin your PathForward plan. You can trust us to protect you, your family and your land. Call us today.