“How did I get here?” you might be asking yourself.


You’re going through a difficult time and facing some tough decisions. Family law matters can be frustrating, emotional, and painful – but also have the potential of a brighter outlook ahead. You’ll be making serious decisions that might include marriage, your finances and property, your children — maybe all of those things. Your future.

CashattWarren Family Law will help guide you through the process so you can make the best choices for your family or to strategically protect your business. At your very first meeting, we’ll outline a plan, to not only give you some immediate peace of mind but to help you move forward.

We call it your PathForward Plan™.

It’s an honest, transparent look at what the coming months will look like. It will answer your questions. It will alleviate your fears. It will help you come to terms with the changes ahead.


But your PathFoward Plan isn’t something we hand to you. It’s a strategy focused on your future that we work on together. You need to be both comfortable with and in charge of the new path that you’ll be on. We’ll make sure that you are.

At CashattWarren, we’ll guide you through the process by listening to your unique situation, applying our years of experience in family law and helping you develop a plan that outlines what comes next and how you’ll move forward.

We’re ready to listen. Let’s get you on the right path.